YMP-Mundus Corporation


We have provided innovative
technologies and business models in various business fields.

Our Business > “Health and Productivity Management” and “Work Style Reform”

“Health and Productivity Management” and “Work Style Reform”

We have been promoting the activities regarding “Health and Productivity Management” and “Work Style Reform” in collaboration with:

1. CES Corporation, and CES means Corporate Education System, for work style reform.
2. Oyakudachi-honpo Co., Ltd., who can help and support to solve many issues such as human resource management related (productivity improvement, management support for employee scheduling and shift planning, in particular, for operators or workers with various tasks and professional levels) , hygiene management, and garbage issues..
3. Under the guidance of Professor Emeritus TAKEDA Hiroshi, Graduate School of Medicine of Osaka University, we have proceeded with health and productivity management.

We have applied artificial intelligence to human resource management (HR Tech). more

description of business
